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Weekly Wrap-Up (78)

Hey all, Dani here.

Welcome back to my blog, and my weekly Wednesday post where I talk about what I’ve done, watched, and read in the past week, as well as what I’m currently reading, and what I’m hoping to start reading next. My adjustment back to day shift after working the night shift last week has not been easy, but thankfully tomorrow is the last day of the work week for me, and my plans for this weekend are to relax and read and watch TV and something else…which I’m excited to talk about, so let’s just jump into today’s post.

So, I guess I’m pretty much going to start today’s post by talking about writing, because I am starting to write some more again. On the unfortunate side my writing is not on my D&D romance book that I really should be writing. Instead it’s journal entries and backstory encounters for my new D&D character. She’s been taking up my thoughts most days at work, so I figured the best way to deal with it all was to get it out of my head and onto the page. But hey, at least I’m doing some creative writing.

Oh, and I guess that brings up my next announcement point. I really do want to get writing more on my novel, but writing takes time, and I’ve shoved it to the very back corner of my mind because of my full-time job, part-time job, and my blog, plus wedding planning and the whole pandemic situation. The desire to write has put me in the position to look at my commitments and my time availability to see what I can cut back on or cut out so that I can make the time to write. I came to the conclusion that while on a productivity level, cutting out TV time or reading time would make sense, that is the only time I get to take a breather, de-stress, and relax, so I can’t cut that out. But what I can do is stop pressuring myself to keep to my old standard of posting 5-10 times a week on the blog. I’ll still be doing my Weekly Wrap-Up posts, and I’ll still be doing my Blog Tour reviews and some of my NetGalley reviews, and I will absolutely still be here for the monthly Calendar Girls posts. Other than those I will be taking a slight step back from this awesome book blog so that I can focus on getting my novel finished.

I kind of have an update for the video gaming portion of today’s post…I’ve been randomly opening up Candy Crush Saga on my phone and mindlessly playing it. Honestly I don’t know why. There’s other, better, things I could be doing with my time.

Okay, so when it comes to watches, we’ve gotten through a few things. We re-watched both seasons one and two of “LARPs: the Series,” which will hopefully be getting a crowdfunding campaign for season three soon, so that’s pretty darn exciting. We also watched “R.I.P.D.” again, and I finally introduced Damian to “School of Rock.” Oh, and we watched “Onward” again as well.

It was a pretty good week for reading, which is pretty great. Actually four of my completed reads are NetGalley titles, so my review for Where Dreams Descend by Janella Angeles is up already, and my review for My Hero Academia Vol 25 by Kohei Horikoshi will be up soon, as will my review for The Faithless Hawk by Margaret Owen. I also managed to read Forest of Souls by Lori M Lee and Spoiler Alert by Olivia Dade (which will be out in October, so I’ll probably post my review in September). It was a great and geeky week filled with some really good reads.

The Dark Tide by Alicia Jasinska, Ignite the Sun by Hanna Howard are my current reads, one being a hardcover and the other being an e-galley. These books are both titles that have stunning covers, sound interesting, and are helping me in my continuing practice of diversifying my reading more. These past few months have been wonderfully diverse and I have been loving it. I’m not super far into either of these books, so I don’t have much to say on them just yet, but I’m guessing that they’ll be in my completed reads section next week.

As for my want to read section, I know that I want to pick up Descendant of the Crane by Joan He next, but after that I’m not entirely sure. I’ve heard that The House on the Cerulean Sea by TJ Klune is heart-warming and adorable, so I might need a pick me up after some of these wild fantasy adventures, but I also might want to delve even deeper into these dark intense fantasy tales by finally picking up Who Fears Death by Nnedi Okorafor. Or maybe I’ll pick up something else entirely. I don’t quite know exactly what I’m in the mood to read just yet.

Okay, well that is all from me for today, but I’d love to hear about what you are currently reading in the comments. I will be back soon with more bookish content.

6 thoughts on “Weekly Wrap-Up (78)”

  1. Nice post! I look forward to picking up The Dark Tide, and seeing your review. Good luck with your writing!! I have no idea how you can do all of this, the wedding planning, full time job and pandemic already occupy basically all my time. Really impressed!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I like the complicated relationship dynamics concept for The Dark Tide, so I hope it is executed successfully. Thank you so much. I think I’ve been able to do so much because of trying to stay busy; it keeps my mind off the pandemic, and the fact that all my 2020 plans have been cancelled or rescheduled. Our wedding might need to be postponed because of the pandemic, so it has just been a really weird year.


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