Review Policy

Hey all, Sam here.

Okay, so apparently all the good professional book blogs have a review policy up, and it’s about time I post one up of my own.

Most all of the books I have reviewed in the past are ones I buy myself. Exceptions being books that I receive through NetGalley, a Goodreads giveaway, etc, or occasionally directly from the author, and I will always disclose if I received the book for free in exchange for a review.

I am always honest about my reviews. If you don’t believe me, check out the review I gave my own book. If I can take an objective look at a book I spent years creating and editing, then I guarantee that I’ll be objective towards all other books as well.

As to genres of books I will or won’t accept…I mostly read fantasy and paranormal, with some science fiction, contemporary, or historical mixed in. Most of the time I don’t read books that are purely a mystery or thriller. However, if a story sounds interesting then I will pick it up regardless of the genre.

Lately I’ve been more into reading physical copies of books, but I have a NOOK tablet and I’ve downloaded the Kindle app to both my phone and my tablet, so I’m capable of reading e-books as well.

I’m a self-published author myself, so I love supporting my fellow self-pubbed and indie authors. Again, if your book sounds interesting to me then I’ll likely check it out, provided my life and reading schedule don’t become problematic.

My time frame for reviews is not wholly set in stone. I really try to have the review out by publication day (for early reviews) and as soon as I can manage with already released books. I’m going to try to arrange my review schedule so I can try to get my reviews up a week or so before release day when possible. Again, if you have a specific time you’d like the review to show up, let me know, and I will definitely try to make that happen.

Here’s the hard part for me…the rating system. For galleys and ARCs, I do not base my rating on spelling and grammar, because I understand that there’s typically still another editing pass or two before publication. Even with released books, I only deduct from the rating if the spelling and grammar are atrocious. Typically my rating falls in the 3 to 5 star range, depending on how invested I am in the characters and the plot. Oh, and I very rarely DNF a book. I don’t believe that you can honestly rate/review a book if you didn’t finish it.

I can be contacted via my Twitter, my Instagram, or my e-mail:

Coming soon: my YouTube channel.

UPDATE Sept 23, 2020: At the moment, I am not accepting offers to read/review books, poetry, graphic novels, etc. I need to catch up on my review backlog first. I am still willing to do guest posts or book announcement/cover reveal/excerpt/signal boosting posts though.

David’s Review Policy

A majority of the manga and/or books I review will be ones that I have purchased, or possibly borrowed from friends or the library. If I receive something for review, it will be stated in the post.

When it comes to reading preferences, I am open to most everything, but typically I do not reach for books that are based on a true story unless it is a historical event or period I am really interested in.

My preference is to physical books, particular when it comes to comics and manga, but I do have a Kindle app, so I do read e-books as well.

I do not have a set time frame for reading or reviewing, but if/when I do receive books for review, I will do my best to have a review up around release day. I can admit to having times where I go through a reading slump and instead play more video games or watch more anime, but I will do my best to keep to a review schedule.

As for my rating system, I will be using the standard 1 to 5 star system, and it will be based on my own views and opinions. I am not a specialist in spelling or grammar so those don’t influence my rating, but my enjoyment of the plot and characters will.

I can be contacted by e-mail at