Books!, Conventions, Graphic Novel, Manga, Signal Boost

Gen Con Wrap Up

Hey all, Dani here. So you might be asking, "hey Dani, wasn't Gen Con at the beginning of the month? Why do a wrap up now?" Well, I had one of my blog buddies say she would love to read about my time at Gen Con, especially as she wants to start trying to diversify… Continue reading Gen Con Wrap Up

Book Releases, Book Review, Books!, Signal Boost

What I’m Reading (28)

Hey all, Dani here. It is that time of the week again, where I write up a little post talking about the books I have finished recently, the ones I am reading currently, and the books I am hoping to start very soon. So I feel like today's post is going to share a similar… Continue reading What I’m Reading (28)

Book Releases, Books!, Cover Reveal, Graphic Novel, Manga, Signal Boost

Most Anticipated Releases Fall 2018

Hey all, Dani here. How are we almost at fall already? Time is just flying by, and seriously, fall may have the most releases I'm looking forward to. There are just so many interesting sounding books coming out in the next few months. Because of that, I'm not actually going to spend a lot of… Continue reading Most Anticipated Releases Fall 2018

Book Review, Books!, Manga, Signal Boost

Manga Review: Ancient Magus’ Bride Vol 2

Hey all, Dani here. Welcome to another installment in my Manga Monday posts, where I try to catch up on my backlog of manga reviews by writing one each week. Though, I ended up skipping a couple weeks already this month. I have not been doing a good job with keeping up with my blog… Continue reading Manga Review: Ancient Magus’ Bride Vol 2

Book Releases, Book Review, Books!, Graphic Novel, Manga, Signal Boost

What I’m Reading (27)

Hey all, Dani here. So before I start talking about all of the books I've finished, or started, or want to read very soon, I first need to say that I watched the Netflix film adaptation of To All the Boys I've Loved Before and I thought it was so cute. I technically have only read… Continue reading What I’m Reading (27)

Book Review, Books!, Manga, Signal Boost

Manga Review: My Hero Academia Vol 10

Hey all, Dani here. Wow, I just realized that I have been really lazy this month when it comes to blog posts. I am sorry. Between starting the month with a vacation, and then work, and life, I have just been really tired the past couple of weeks. I think we've eaten more fast food… Continue reading Manga Review: My Hero Academia Vol 10

Book Releases, Books!, Graphic Novel, Manga, Readathon, Reading Challenge, Signal Boost

What I’m Reading (26)

Hey all, Dani here. Okay, so this week I am proud to say that I have made a lot of progress when it comes to reading. August is starting to look like a productive reading month. And I hope to continue this pace over the next few weeks, so we'll just see what happens. And… Continue reading What I’m Reading (26)

Books!, Graphic Novel, Manga, Readathon, Reading Challenge, Signal Boost

What I’m Reading (25)

Hey all, Dani here. As can be predicted, I actually did not accomplish a lot of reading over the last week. That tends to happen when it comes to going to conventions. But I did manage to finish one book and start a few others, so I'll talk about all of those here. But first,… Continue reading What I’m Reading (25)

Books!, Manga, Readathon, Reading Challenge, Signal Boost

Manga Madness Readathon (Round 3)

Hey all, Dani here. Today is Day Two of Gen Con, and when this post goes live, my fiance and I will be wrapping up our time at the convention center and be heading across the city to the theater where we will watch a live episode of Critical Role, and we are both very… Continue reading Manga Madness Readathon (Round 3)