Inspiration, Writing

Beating Writer’s Block

Hey all, Dani here. So, I recently came across this article from Writer's Circle: 10 Tricks, Tips, and Techniques to Beat Writer's Block. With Camp NaNoWriMo literally just around the corner, I decided it would be a good topic to discuss right now, because hey, we have all faced writer's block at one point or… Continue reading Beating Writer’s Block

Book Review

Proud Bibliophile

Hey all, Dani again. So, I consider myself a huge bibliophile. Seriously. What is a bibliophile? Well, for those that don't know, here's the definition: 1. a person who loves or collects books, especially as examples of fine orĀ unusual printing, binding, or the like. I am a total and complete book addict and I am… Continue reading Proud Bibliophile