ARC, Book Releases, Book Review, Books!, Graphic Novel, NetGalley, Reading Challenge, Recommendations, Signal Boost

NetGalley Review: First Test Graphic Novel by Tamora Pierce, Devin Grayson, and Becca Farrow

Hey all, Sam here. Back in the early days of my blog, long before it became Free State of Geek and long before Mondays became Manga Mondays used to be Middle Grade Monday. Even now, as an almost 36 year old woman, I still hold a great affection for Middle Grade books. They are… Continue reading NetGalley Review: First Test Graphic Novel by Tamora Pierce, Devin Grayson, and Becca Farrow

Book Review, Books!, Dungeons and Dragons, Reading Challenge, Self-Published Books, Signal Boost, Tabletop Games, Video Games

Book Review: The Last Available by Sean R. Frazier

Hey all, Sam here. Here we go...hopefully I'm starting to get the review train rolling down the tracks again. I have a few posts prepped already that I'm trying to finish writing and get scheduled, and then when I get my "weekend" again (which is Tuesday-Thursday) this week, I'll try to get my posts prepped… Continue reading Book Review: The Last Available by Sean R. Frazier

ARC, Book Releases, Book Review, Books!, Graphic Novel, NetGalley, Reading Challenge, Signal Boost

NetGalley Review: An Outbreak of Witchcraft by Deborah Noyes and M. Duffy

Hey all, Sam here. My review list just keeps getting longer, but I guess that's what happens when you're reading a lot and just not blogging a lot, so it's entirely my fault. I'll just need to keep trying to set aside some time for myself to prep up a handful of posts, and then… Continue reading NetGalley Review: An Outbreak of Witchcraft by Deborah Noyes and M. Duffy

Books!, Creativity, Discussion, Inspiration, Readathon, Recommendations, Signal Boost, Weekend Writer, Writing

Weekend Writer: Embrace Your Weird: Face Your Fears and Unleash Creativity by Felicia Day

Hey all, Sam here. Have you ever wanted to have a creative life but it always feels like there's just something in the way? Because lately I have just felt like writing is such a struggle. I want to write, and I can feel the words sitting in my mind, the scenes wanting to play… Continue reading Weekend Writer: Embrace Your Weird: Face Your Fears and Unleash Creativity by Felicia Day

Dungeons and Dragons, Inspiration, Pathfinder 2E, Signal Boost, Tabletop Games, Weekend Writer, Writing

Weekend Writer: June 2024 Prompts

Hey all, Sam here. Once again, we have reached the beginning of a new month, and that means it's time for new Weekend Writer prompts! Eagle-eyed followers will know that this post was supposed to be up yesterday (AKA the first Friday of the month). I blame myself for that; I didn't prepare in advance… Continue reading Weekend Writer: June 2024 Prompts

ARC, Book Review, Books!, Manga, Manga Monday, NetGalley, Reading Challenge, Signal Boost

Manga Review: Manga Classics – Romeo & Juliet by William Shakespeare, Crystal S. Chan, and Julien Choy

Hey all, Sam here. It's Manga Monday once again! And yes, today's review is for a very recently completed in, I read this whole thing yesterday, although I imagine none of you are surprised by that because I have said many times that I read manga rather quickly. Anyway, I really enjoy reading the… Continue reading Manga Review: Manga Classics – Romeo & Juliet by William Shakespeare, Crystal S. Chan, and Julien Choy

Book Review, Books!, Comics, Dungeons and Dragons, Graphic Novel, NetGalley, Novella, Reading Challenge, Recommendations, Self-Published Books, Signal Boost

May Wrap Up

Hey all, Sam here. May has been quite the reading month for me, and I am not at all complaining. I think this was one of the best reading months I've had in a long time (second best month this year). I have completed 19 books in the month of May, and was actually in… Continue reading May Wrap Up