Books!, Creativity, Discussion, Inspiration, Readathon, Recommendations, Signal Boost, Weekend Writer, Writing

Weekend Writer: Embrace Your Weird: Face Your Fears and Unleash Creativity by Felicia Day

Hey all, Sam here.

Have you ever wanted to have a creative life but it always feels like there’s just something in the way? Because lately I have just felt like writing is such a struggle. I want to write, and I can feel the words sitting in my mind, the scenes wanting to play out on the page and the characters wanting to go on this journey with me….but the words just feel stuck in my head.

So it seemed very appropriate to grab this book on writing and creativity and expression as my Weekend Writer focus this month, because I do take inspiration from creative folks I’ve met and known and watched achieve a personal/professional level of success. So I look at my friends who are authors, and I look at people like Felicia Day or Ginny Di or everyone at Critical Role. While I don’t imagine myself on par with them when it comes to having a successful creative life, I do aspire to my own version of a creative life I can be proud of.

All that being said, let’s go ahead and jump into today’s Weekend Writer post.

An instant New York Times bestseller

In Embrace Your Weird , New York Times bestselling author, producer, actress, TV writer, and award-winning web series creator, Felicia Day takes you on a journey to find, rekindle, or expand your creative passions.

Including Felicia’s personal stories and hard-won wisdom, Embrace Your Weird offers:

—Entertaining and revelatory exercises that empower you to be fearless, so you can rediscover the things that bring you joy, and crack your imagination wide open

—Unique techniques to vanquish enemies of creativity like: anxiety, fear, procrastination, perfectionism, criticism, and jealousy

—Tips to cultivate a creative community

—Space to explore and get your neurons firing

Whether you enjoy writing, baking, painting, podcasting, playing music, or have yet to uncover your favorite creative outlet, Embrace Your Weird will help you unlock the power of self-expression. Get motivated. Get creative. Get weird.

Let’s Chat

My husband and I picked up copies of this book when it was released back in 2019. We went to a book signing in Cincinnati, and it was a great time.

HOWEVER, I must stress that if you want to use this book to its full potential, don’t get it signed by the author…or if you do, make sure you get a second unsigned copy.

This book is set up like a workbook in some ways. There are so many exercises in it. Some will have you doodling or writing in the book. And some will have you…*GASP*…rip out pages.

And this may be surprising, because I am not somebody who typically writes in or marks up books–I cannot do annotation with my physical books (which is one of the reasons why I love my Kindle Scribe)–but I did actually follow Felicia Day’s instructions with this book, and when it said to rip out a page…I did it. I could only do this because I had purchased a second copy of the book specifically so I could fully follow the directions.

I do have a proper review for this book on the blog already, from 2019, and you can check that out here.

I didn’t fully go through the exercises back at the time of the previous review. At that time I only had my signed copy, but had ordered a second copy for proper use. Even then, I didn’t do every exercise at that time, so I was able recently to go through this book again and complete some more, which helped me to get back to thinking about having a creative life more and trying to work through so many of the fears and feelings and blocks that have been keeping me from my writing recently, because it has been a ridiculous struggle, and I’m working on ending it.

Perhaps next week I will show you some pictures from my used copy of this book.

That is all from me for today. Thank you so much for stopping by and I’ll be back soon with more geeky content.

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