Book Review, Books!, Signal Boost

February Wrap Up and March TBR

Hey all, Dani here.

I can’t believe that February is over already. It went by so quickly, and because of that I feel like I’m not really as successful as I would have wanted to be. On the other hand, this was also the month where I reached 300 followers, which was a super exciting moment for me. So once again, thank you to each and every one of you who has joined me on this adventure of bookish and nerdy conversation.

With that being said, let’s just jump into my wrap up. I did not read very many books in February, but I still think it was a pretty good month.

Saga, Volume 8 by Brian K Vaughan and Fiona Staples (4 stars)

The Wicked + The Divine, Vol 6 by Kieron Gillen, Jamie McKelvin, and Matt Wilson (5 stars)

The Heart Forger by Rin Chupeco (5 stars)

Phantom Pains by Mishell Baker (5 stars)

Like I said, not a very high books read number for this month, but I’ve been really distracted with learning a new job at work, playing video games, and life in general. Still, I guess four books isn’t that bad. At least I was reading. And I have two books currently in progress, so that bodes well for my March wrap up. Expect a review up for Phantom Pains next week because I NEED to gush about the book.

Moving on to my book haul for the month. It was a pretty good month for releases and purchases in general, including a couple impulse buys as I went to the store.

Okay, and now I guess it is time for my monthly OwlCrate unboxing, and unlike my normal ones…I definitely needed two photos for this one because one item in particular was a bit larger than anything I would expect from a subscription box. But it is absolutely gorgeous so I am not complaining at all.

I am so happy with the box this month, and I am really looking forward to the March box, because it features one of my most anticipated releases for 2018…namely Heart of Iron by Ashley Poston. I absolutely adored Geekerella so I expect great things from this next book. Now if I can just hold off until my March box arrives, because I had planned to buy this book already.

Finally, I suppose it is time to talk about my March TBR. Obviously I am not including any of my 24 Hour Readathon books on this list, but I have a few others that I’m hoping to read this month, and hopefully I’ll be able to read more than I did in February.

So, I obviously have a very ambitious TBR this month, but they all sound just so interesting that I am looking forward to reading them. Hopefully starting off this month with a readathon will help me with my total book count. I’m only sitting at 15 books read for the year, which according to Goodreads is one book behind schedule. I don’t like it telling me that I’m behind, so I hope to get ahead with these books.

Expect more reviews and such soon. Have a great day everyone!

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